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Google Web Story Use Cases for Bloggers

作为内容创作者,博主如何通过视觉故事获得更多知名度。 从博主的不同用例中获得灵感

Table of Content

Why Storytelling?

Visual web stories offer bloggers an opportunity to gain a foothold on a new traffic source that quite likely competitors may not be aware of.

They're just so many of them; As of 2021, there are 570+ million blogs on the internet.

Blogs continue to be extremely valuable for lead generation, brand awareness, and SEO. And they're still popular among consumers.

A 2020 HubSpot study found that 60% of people read a blog at least once a week. So blogs won't be out of marketers' toolbox anytime soon.

With that said, the blogging landscape has changed over the years. Lisa Toner, director of content at HubSpot, says it's not enough only to have a blog nowadays.

How will your blog stand out? Web Stories!

Visual Web Stories are snackable byte-size content guiding readers to your entire blog post.

Advantages of WebStories.Today for Bloggers?

  • Super easy to create
  • Statistics (on your dashboard and your Google Analytics)
  • As premium Creator, you keep 100% of Ad revenue
  • Transcript available in Html and text


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