How to find the perfect dog trainer?

Finding the perfect dog trainer is crucial for the proper training of your dog.

Why do you need a dog trainer?

There are many reasons why you may need professional help for training your dog.

Your dog may display signs like

  • Separation anxiety
  • Excessive barking
  • Extreme disruptive behavior
  • Failure to follow basic commands
  • Resource guarding
  • Bolting
  • Excessive jumping behavior
  • Excessive leash pulling
  • Recall issues
  • And others

Under such conditions, you need the help of a dog trainer. Check out the above link to know when you need a dog trainer?

1. Services

Go for a dog trainer who provides the type of services that you need.

You must find a dog trainer who will train your dog, help you train your dog or solve the specific issues you are facing in the training process.

2. Type of training method

Which type of training method will the dog trainer employ to train?

Always go for the trainer who uses positive training methods. Negative training methods will only make your dog more aggressive. Click on the link to read more.

3. People skills

Check the people skills of the trainer

The dog trainer will help you deepen the bond with your dog, establish a trustworthy relationship and ensure that your dog is living a happy life. Finding the right trainer is more than just about training the dog a specific set of commands.

4. Experience level

It is not necessary that a person who has been training dogs for 10 years would be fit for the job.

You should go with the trainer who uses the positive reinforcement methods, has excellent communication skills, brings creativity and energy to the class that your dog might enjoy.

5. Convenience and cost

Go for trainers who are both convenient as well as affordable.

If you cannot afford the classes, you will not stick with them. Therefore, go for classes that are within your budget and that you can continue in the long term.

6. Check certifications

Different training certifications required different numbers of coursework hours and animal behavior experience.

Ask the trainer which certification they have and check the certification on the website to validate. Also, enquire to look at the hard copies of the certificate. This is because the trainers must be re-certified every three years to keep the certification.

7. Updated?

Is the trainer aware of the recent changes in the dog training methods?

It is within your rights to expect that your dog trainer would stay updated on the latest news and training styles that are available.

8. Check the training

Ask for a demo class.

Most dog trainers will let you sit in for a demo class while they are training a dog [not your dog]. Thus, you can figure out if the training style of the dog trainer matches your philosophy or not.

Check out the article

Check out the article on The Happy Puppers blog

Click on the above link to read the entire article.

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