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Crafting your Web Stories to Shine: A Comprehensive Guide

In a digital world that thrives on captivating storytelling, it's imperative to learn how to create compelling web stories. Whether you're a seasoned creator or a novice just starting out, this guide offers valuable insights and guidelines to make your web stories stand out and garner attention【5†source】.
Author: Frederik Van Lierde ● Nov 25, 2022 ● 2 minutes read
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Table of Contents


This article aims to provide an exhaustive guide to creating web stories that engage and captivate. The art of web storytelling doesn't require any foundational knowledge, making it an accessible platform for all. All you need to do is follow these guidelines and dive into the process.

General Guidelines

The cornerstone of a successful web story is quality content. The story should be a coherent narrative, leading readers seamlessly from one page to the next. Keep the title concise and direct, serving as a clear indicator of the story's theme. It's also important to note that your story should be at least seven pages long to meet minimum requirements for displaying Adsense Ads【6†source】.

Images Guidelines

Visuals play a crucial role in making your web story engaging. Here are some guidelines for your images:
  • The background images of the pages should be 720px wide and 1080px high. Smaller images may prevent Google from displaying your web story.
  • Cover images should have a minimum width of 1200px and a minimum height of 600px. Despite web stories being vertical, they can be displayed in various formats across different platforms.
When using the Web Story Today builder, the images will be scaled automatically to fit the required dimensions.

Text Guidelines

Text forms the backbone of your web story, and it's essential to ensure it's both accessible and engaging:
  • Make sure the text isn't obscured by other content on the page and is easily readable.
  • Avoid overusing animations, as they can distract users from the narrative. A better alternative is to weave a compelling story that holds the reader's attention.
The "Swipe Up" feature in the Web Story Today builder allows for adding extra text, links, and more.

Structured Data Guidelines

Structured data is a standardized format for providing information about a page and classifying its content. This allows search engines to better understand the content of your web story. When using the Web Story Today builder, all the necessary structured data is added automatically, including information about the organization, news articles, logos, and more.

Auto Advance Feature

The auto advance feature can significantly enhance the user experience of your web stories, mimicking the feel of Instagram Stories. Here's how to use it effectively:
  • If a web story page shows only an image or a title, set the auto advance to 3 seconds.
  • If your web story page contains a story, title, and extra text, set the auto advance to a minimum of 4 seconds.
  • The best way to determine the auto-advance length is to read the web story page slowly yourself. This will give you a sense of the time a reader might need to process the content.
With the Web Sstory Today builder, you can set the auto-advance length per page, including the cover page.

Embracing Creativity and Originality

One of the keys to standing out with Google Web Stories is to embrace creativity and originality. The most engaging web stories are those that offer a unique perspective or showcase a distinct style. Whether you're recounting a personal experience, sharing an inspiring story, or explaining a complex topic, infuse your narrative with your unique voice. The more genuine and authentic your storytelling, the more it will resonate with your audience. Remember, Web Stories are not just about information, they're about engagement. An unusual plot twist, a surprising fact, a humorous anecdote – these can all make your story more appealing. And don't be afraid to explore different narrative structures. A web story doesn't have to be linear – it could be circular, branching, or even interactive.

Leveraging Multimedia Elements

A great way to make your web stories stand out is to leverage multimedia elements. This includes not just images, but also videos, animations, and sound clips. A well-placed video or animation can make your story more dynamic and engaging. Remember, however, to ensure that these elements enhance your narrative rather than distract from it. Sound clips can also add an extra dimension to your stories. A background music track can set the mood for your story, while sound effects can make your story more immersive. But remember to always provide captions or transcripts for audio content to ensure accessibility for all users.

Optimizing for SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for ensuring that your web stories reach a wider audience. This involves using relevant keywords in your story's title and description, as well as in the alt text for images. It also means using structured data to help search engines understand the content of your story, as discussed earlier. Additionally, keep in mind that Google prioritizes mobile-friendly content, so ensure your web stories are optimized for viewing on smaller screens. Also, consider linking your web story to related content on your website to encourage further engagement and improve your site's SEO.

Engaging With Your Audience

Lastly, standing out with Google Web Stories isn't just about creating great content – it's also about engaging with your audience. Encourage readers to share your stories on social media, and respond to comments and feedback. You can also use web stories to engage with your audience in creative ways, such as by running contests or soliciting user-generated content. Remember, the goal is to create a community around your stories, where readers feel valued and engaged. The more you interact with your audience, the more likely they are to return for future stories and share your content with others.


In the ever-evolving landscape of digital storytelling, web stories offer a unique platform to convey your narratives effectively. With the guidelines provided in this article, you're equipped to create engaging web stories that shine. Remember, the key to a successful web story lies in quality content, strategic use of images and text, correct implementation of structured data, and effective use of the auto advance feature. Now, it's time for you to create your own captivating web story and make your mark in the digital world. From novices to seasoned creators, these guidelines serve as a roadmap to create web stories that captivate and engage. The process doesn't require any foundational knowledge, but merely your creativity and the willingness to dive in. Happy storytelling!

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