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Use Cases Boosting Tourism & Travel with Web Stories: Unlock the Power of Visual Storytelling

Discover how Web Stories can amplify your tourism and travel promotions, providing unique experiences for your audience.

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The Importance of Storytelling

In the travel and tourism industry, storytelling holds the power to create a sense of magic and authenticity that can effectively promote hotels, restaurants, bars, health centers, and entire regions or countries. Stories evoke emotions and help convey complex messages or corporate values as engaging, interactive experiences.

When storytelling is extended to the internet, potential guests can become emotionally invested in your offerings. Visual web stories offer a unique opportunity for the travel and tourism industry to tap into a new traffic source that competitors may not yet be aware of.

Why Web Stories Work for Tourism & Travel

Web Stories enable consumers to visualize and better understand the experiences you offer. They serve as an essential part of the travel industry's toolkit for promoting hotels, destinations, and experiences. Social media platforms like Instagram are filled with enticing images of pristine beaches, relaxed tourists, and stunning landscapes.

Web Stories can similarly showcase your offerings in a visually compelling and engaging format.

Standing Out with Web Stories

Visual Web Stories are easily digestible, bite-sized content that can guide readers to your website, booking page, or other desired destinations. They provide an opportunity for travel-related businesses and tourism boards to differentiate themselves from the competition and create memorable experiences for potential customers.

Advantages of WebStories.Today for the Travel & Tourism Industry

WebStories.Today offers numerous benefits for the travel and tourism industry, including:
  • Automatic distribution: Your Web Stories can be distributed across various platforms, such as Google Discover, Facebook Messenger, LINE, Telegram, Slack, Flipboard, and Pinterest.
  • Easy creation: The free story editor makes it simple to create visually captivating Web Stories.
  • Detailed statistics: Access analytics on your dashboard and through Google Analytics.
  • Monetization: Keep 100% of the ad revenue generated by your Web Stories.
  • Transcripts: Your Web Stories can be made available in HTML and text formats.

Real-World Examples

Web Stories have been successfully utilized by numerous travel-related businesses and tourism boards, including:
  • Luxury Hotel Resorts: Web Stories have been used to showcase the stunning amenities and breathtaking views of luxury hotels, enticing potential guests and creating a sense of wanderlust.
  • National Tourism Boards: Web Stories have been employed by national tourism boards to highlight the unique experiences, culture, and beauty of their countries, enticing travelers to explore and visit.
  • Adventure Travel Companies: Web Stories have been used by adventure travel companies to provide potential customers with a taste of the thrilling experiences they offer, such as white-water raft.
  • Local Tour Operators: Web Stories can help local tour operators showcase their guided tours, highlighting the most exciting sights, hidden gems, and unique cultural experiences.
  • Restaurants and Bars: Web Stories have been used by dining establishments and bars to showcase their enticing dishes, signature cocktails, and vibrant atmospheres, enticing food enthusiasts and attracting more customers.

Extra Benefits of Web Stories

In addition to the advantages mentioned above, Web Stories also offer the following benefits to the travel and tourism industry:
  • Mobile-friendly: Web Stories are designed with a mobile-first approach, ensuring a seamless user experience on smartphones and tablets.
  • SEO benefits: Web Stories can improve your search engine optimization (SEO), helping you rank higher on search engine result pages and driving more organic traffic to your website.
  • Shareability: Web Stories are easily shareable across various social media platforms, increasing the likelihood of your content going viral and reaching a broader audience.
  • Engagement: Web Stories provide an immersive and interactive experience that keeps users engaged, increasing the likelihood of them converting into customers.
  • Customization: Web Stories can be tailored to your brand, ensuring a consistent look and feel across all your promotional materials.


Web Stories are a powerful tool for the travel and tourism industry, allowing businesses to create engaging, visually appealing content that resonates with their target audience. By harnessing the power of Web Stories, you can differentiate yourself from the competition, drive more traffic to your website, and ultimately increase bookings and revenue.
Visual web stories offer the Travel & Tourism industry an opportunity to gain a foothold on a new traffic source that quite likely competitors may not be aware of.