Unwanted chewing behavior in your dog? Here's the solution

Unwanted chewing behavior can be a nightmare for the guardians. Here are a few solutions that will help.

Every dog guardian faces dog chewing problems

Most people attribute unwanted chewing to the puppyhood stages.

In most cases, guardians feel the unwanted chewing behavior is a part of the puppyhood stages. However, this behavior is also observed in some dogs after they have reached adulthood. Dogs normally use smell and vision to explore. Yet, their favorite way to process new information is putting things into their mouth.

Reasons behind unwanted chewing behavior

There can be a variety of reasons behind the unwanted chewing behavior besides puppyhood.

  • Your dog is bored.
  • Your dog has a huge amount of pent-up energy and is lacking the proper level of exercise.
  • Your dog is receiving less mental stimulation
  • Your dog is suffering from separation anxiety
  • Chewing feels good to your dog.

Train your dog to stop such behavior

Every behavior is trainable if done in the right manner

You can train your dog to stop unwanted chewing behavior. However, your approach must be right

1. Take responsibility

You must take responsibility for your belongings.

If you do not want a specific object to land up in your dog's mouth, keep it away from your dog. Keep all your shoes, books, eyeglasses, trash, water bottles, plasticware, and anything that your dog loves to chew on at a place where your dog cannot reach.

2. Make sure you give your dog 'dog' toys

No water bottles, old socks for playtime.

Do not offer your dog shoes and socks as this will only confuse him, and your dog will not be able to understand which sock is okay to chew and which is not. Only provide certified dog toys.

3. Supervised playtime

Playtimes should specifically be supervised.

You can keep your dog in a specific room if you run errands or have to complete work. If your dog is crate trained, your dog can be in the crate for a while. However, the crate should never become a negative space.

4. Plenty of mental and physical exercise.

Pent up energy gets released via unwanted chewing behavior

Dogs normally release such pent-up energy either by doing zoomies around the house or chewing items they should not. Thus, make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise and is tired by the end of the day or when you have to go out.

5. Add toys to daily routine

Makes sure your dog receives mental stimulation in toys and food time.

Instead of giving your dog food in his or her bowl, give your dog the food in a puzzle toy or find-the-treat type toy. Use high-value treats so that your dog does not lose interest in finding the treasure.

6. Learn trading

Trading works on kids as well as dogs.

If you notice your dog chewing on something, trade the item for another high-value item. For example, if your pup is chewing on your sock, offer your dog some chicken to leave the sock and go for chicken.

7. Make chewable items unpleasant

It is not always possible to hide everything

Items like furniture, desks, tables, dining chairs, etc., can be coated with dog deterrent sprays like bitter apple, etc., to make the fragrance of such items unappealing.

8. Never chase

Chasing your dog is never the solution

Dogs are natural-born hunters. If you chase your dog when he or she is running with something in the mouth, your dog will consider it as a game and will start to run further.

9. Be realistic

Remember, chewing is a natural part of your dog behavior.

There is no dog guardian who has not had their dogs chew up something or the other of value. This is a part of your dog's growth stages and his or her transition into the new home. It may require your dog a while to learn which are the appropriate toys, what is okay to chew.

10. No punishment

Never the solution to solving your dog's behavioral problems

If you start using punishment, you are not a good dog guardian. The first part of solving a dog's behavioral problem is understanding why the behavioral problem is occurring in the first place. If you eliminate the root cause of the behavioral problem, the problem will automatically go away. Punishment never works. Click on the link to know more.

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