Top 10 productivity tips

These 10 tips will help you take your productivity to the next level

1. The two-minute rule

Tackle the easy tasks first

This is a simple yet effective method. If you have tasks that can be completed in 2 mins, you should tackle those first. Many times, you may face a brain fog when starting work. Focusing on small tasks can provide confidence end motivation

2 Eat the frog

Get the difficult tasks out of the way first.

Coined by brain Tracy, eat the frog means targeting the difficult tasks first. Once you are done with the most challenging task, you will feel accomplished and work better on other tasks.

3. Time blocking

Divide the time you will work/study into smaller segments.

When you design your to-do list for the next day, time block every activity beforehand. When you get to your desk, follow the timings. Time blocking will keep you on your toes and allow you to stay focused throughout.

4. Pomodoro method

Use the pomodoro method to your advantage

The pomodoro technique says that you should focus for 25 minutes and take a break for 5 mins. This methods boosts efficiency and has shown to increase the productivity of those who diligently follow it.

5. Learn to say No

The ability to say No can boost productivity

You can have a thousand tasks in one day. However, if you focus on all of the tasks, you won't feel productive. This work on a priority basis. Focus on the most important tasks first. You can say No to the low priority tasks.

6. Eliminate distractions

Make your workplace a place of no distractions

You can use timers, screen savers to keep reminding you that your focus must be on your work. However, along with this, you can also use noise cancelling headphones to reduce noise. Keep your phone away if that's what's needed. Alternatively, you can mute all notifications.

8. Use visuals

Visuals can be a huge help.

Visual tools like whiteboards, vision boards, to-do lists etc can keep you aware of all the tasks that you have planned for the day.

9. Take breaks

Breaks keep you fresh and motivated

Contrary to popular belief, breaks boost productivity. During your breaks, you can go for a walk, stretch a little, spend time with your animal companions etc.

10. Practice gratitude

Learn to be kind to yourself

Not every day will be as productive as the previous one. Some days will be hard. It is on these days, you must remind yourself of all the work you have put in already. Write down your accomplishments at the end of the day.

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