7 Instagram Story Ideas

To make your stories more powerful

1. Host a Q&A Discussion

Increase engagement

A Q&A session is a good idea when you want to increase engagement with the help of an Instagram story.

Your audience can ask their burning questions and get the answers straight from the source.

Most importantly, it will also help them relate more to your business values, as you can answer questions in a more personal way.

2. Organize Quizzes/Polls

Give your followers the chance to express their opinion

If you’re looking for some more Instagram story inspiration, let us help you out with a trick. The Instagram audience is a big fan of the “this or that” format. Here are some fun and simple ideas you can apply to your stories:

  • Ask your audience a very simple question, such as “How was your day?”
  • Ask them what their preferred content types are
  • Ask your audience to choose your new logo

Quizzes and polls give your followers the chance to express their opinion easily and in a fun way, so make sure you include this in your stories.

3. Showcase Your Team

Give your audience the chance to connect to the people involved in your business.

Social media is a great way to connect with other people. Similarly, Instagram stories can give your audience the chance to connect to the people involved in your business.

How? By placing your team members in the spotlight and sharing a few facts about them.

4. Share User-Generated Content

build trust and also, raise brand awareness.

User-generated content is another one on the list of Insta stories for business. Sharing user-generated content can help build trust and also, raise brand awareness.

If a user who has a public profile created a story and tagged your brand in it, then you can share it on your story.

5. Promote Products and Deals

Or any last-minute deals that would be of great interest to your audience.

One of the primary uses of Instagram for businesses is to showcase their products. However, stories can help you give a different perspective.

You can delight your audience with a little spoiler on how the product works and what the final results are. If we’re talking about creative Instagram story ideas in the case of a make-up brand, you could show users how the colors look on the skin or try different wear tests.

Does your brand have a new deal each day? Use Stories

6. Go Behind the Scenes

Appeal to the curiosity of your audience

Your audience is already interested in what your business has to offer, but they might not know so many details about the processes behind it.

Showing them a bit of what’s going on behind the scenes can involve:

  • a video about what a day in the office looks like.
  • how a meeting takes place for you and your team members.
  • your morning routine / a team member’s morning routine.
  • a sneak-peek into a project you’re working on.
  • how a work from home day/commuting session looks for you.

7. Provide Product Teasers

a teaser works in the case of an event too.

Some brands choose to announce their new product releases directly through an Instagram post. These can be paired with a product teaser, though. And it doesn’t have to be a product release only, as a teaser works in the case of an event too.

Diana Dascalu

Content Writer at SocialBee

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