Work from home has many advantages. It probably has a few disadvantages, but amongst them, the psychological effects of working from home is the biggest.

Work from home

COVID 19 has changed the work structure everywhere

Currently, 40% of the employees all over the globe are still working from home. The scare of the next wave is keeping the companies from calling their employees back to the offices. There were a few months when almost all countries went on lockdown. This duration provided insights to the companies towards the benefits of working from home.

Psychological effects of working from home

Check out the psychological effects of work from home

It is very difficult for millennials to work from home. In office, their time gets divided between doing their work and engaging with other people at work. This keeps their stress at bay. However, there is no company or camaraderie when the employees are working from home. This leads to extreme isolation and loneliness.

1. Increase in stress

The sudden absence of physical connection makes people feel that they have nowhere to go if they are feeling anxious or stressed.

When people work from home, their social life gets reduced to nothing. However, nowadays in the work from home culture, the employees do not get any time off and are accessible at all times of the day. This has further increased, the workload and stress levels of employees.

2. Increase in violent behavior

The absence of social life has increased depression, frustration, anxiety, and stress

There has been an increase in the cases of emotional breakdowns and the number of domestic violence cases since the employees do not have a time off and cannot blow off steam.

3. Feelings of loneliness

Lack of communication with peers has led employees to feel lonely

Workplaces are a very diverse community where every employee identifies as a part of a big group of people. This enhances the feeling of well-being and improves self-confidence amongst employees. This sudden reduction in daily interaction amongst peers has led to the degradation of the mental health of employees.

4. Decrease in productivity

The constant distractions at home reduce productivity

When a person dresses up, wears shoes, travels to a location for the purpose of work, they feel energized and productive. However, when you are in your pajamas, in fuzzy socks, sitting on your bed, and trying to get work done, that mental productivity zone is never reached by the worker.

5. Increased cultural isolation

People from different cultures and time zones work together but it may not always be fruitful.

The employees who are remotely working from home may come from a different culture, may speak a different language, and may have different communication styles. This can lead to major communication problems between peers and colleagues who are stationed in another location.

6. Increased workloads

The difference between office time and home time is a blur

Since in the case of work from home, there are no specific office hours, the workloads have become unimaginable, the pressure to meet the performance standards and keep up with all of the assigned tasks has become very difficult for the employees.

7. Rise in depression

Another psychological effect of work from home

People are not receiving social support and are experiencing increased levels of loneliness. Under such circumstances, the mental health gets deteriorated further quickly.

How to stay positive?

The key to staying positive is maintaining routines and social network

  • Keep a set routine for yourself to follow
  • Engage in informal conversations with team members and co-workers
  • Take breaks to exercise and chat with your family members
  • Engage in a hobby

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