10 tips for a mindful morning routine

A mindful morning routine is a series of intentional actions taken in the morning to promote mental and physical well-being. It's a way to start your day with a clear and focused mind, setting the tone for the rest of the day ahead.

1. Wake up at the same time every day

it can be difficult, but with practice, you can ace this

Set a consistent wake-up time to establish a regular sleep schedule. This is done so your sleep-wake cycle can allow you to be more productive.

2. Take a few deep breaths

A couple should be enough.

Before you even get out of bed, take a few deep breaths to calm your mind and prepare for the day. You may try to remember the tasks you have planned for the day so you can get energised.

3. Stretch or do light exercise

Get that blood moving.

Spend a few minutes stretching or doing some light exercise to awaken your body and get your blood flowing. This will also help you exercise your joints and keep them healthy longer.

4. Practice gratitude

Always remember what you are thankful for.

Take a moment to think about the things you're grateful for and start your day with a positive attitude. You can either write it on paper or use a gratitude journal for the same.

5. Hydrate

Should be the first thing you do after you get out of bed.

Drink a glass of water to rehydrate after sleeping and jumpstart your metabolism.

6. Healthy breakfast

Never skip on breakfast

Fuel your body with a healthy breakfast that will provide sustained energy throughout the day.

7. Avoid screens

Stay away from mobile, laptop and tablets.

Try to avoid checking your phone or computer first thing in the morning to reduce stress and distractions.

8. Meditate

Only needs a few minutes

Take a few minutes to meditate and clear your mind before starting your day.

9. Plan your day

Use to-do lists

Take a few minutes to plan out your day, including any important tasks or appointments. Prioritize the tasks as per importance.

10. Take your time

Don't be in a rush

Don't rush through your morning routine. Take your time and savor the moments to set a calm and focused tone for the day ahead.

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