How to Help People in Ukraine

Co-authored by Dan Hickey

Give to medical relief organizations.

Donations will give much-needed medical aid to civilians and military personnel.

Donate to these organizations to help:

  • United Help Ukraine
  • Razom for Ukraine
  • Sunflower of Peace
  • The International Committee of the Red Cross
  • The Ukrainian Red Cross

Donate to support children and families.

Donations can help children and families survive difficult war conditions.

Up to 400,000 Ukrainian children are currently living in the conflict zone. In addition to medical aid, families need access to education, hygiene kits, financial assistance, and psychosocial services.

Donations will help ensure that Ukrainian children continue to learn, grow, and cope with the hardships of war.

Aid the Ukrainian military.

The Ukrainian military is outnumbered and needs support.

Money, gear, medical aid, and other resources are in short supply. Ukrainian civilians are donating their own money and collecting and distributing resources themselves to support their beleaguered troops.

Support Ukrainian journalists.

Journalists and reporters are civilians that need protection to share the news.

They provide access to free, accurate, and independent information that’s needed to combat misinformation campaigns.

Support journalists and news outlets to keep the world informed about the true nature of the conflict in Ukraine.

Donations help reporters receive training and resources to deliver the news safely.

Read trustworthy Ukrainian news sources.

Staying informed with accurate information combats confusion and disinformation.

Propaganda, false narratives, and photos and videos taken out of context by unverified media outlets can mislead onlookers.

Follow these verified Ukrainian news sources to stay up-to-date on the conflict

  • The Kyiv Independent
  • The New Voice of Ukraine
  • Ukraine World
  • The Kyiv Post

Follow informational social media accounts.

Social media spreads news and ways to help Ukrainians around the world.

Follow verified, legitimate accounts to hear personal stories from Ukrainians affected by the war and to stay up-to-date on the quickly changing and dangerous situation. Social media is also home to many grassroots efforts to raise money and awareness.

Share information responsibly.

Share fact-based information to promote awareness and encourage others to help.

Look for reliable, fact-checked news stories and sources, and be wary of misinformation (it’s a major part of Russia’s war strategy).

Don’t post any information related to the movement or whereabouts of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Join a peaceful protest.

Protesting spreads information and demands action from your government.

Anti-war protests are sprouting all over the world. Many are happening outside of Russian embassy buildings in major cities.

Protests and rallies are effective ways to communicate your stance when you’re unable to donate or share information (or when you just want to do more)

Boycott Russian goods and services.

Boycotting keeps your money from supporting Russian aggression.

Boycotts support the severe economic sanctions many world leaders have put in place to strain Russia’s economy and prevent more violence and escalation.

You can do your small part by refusing to buy products made in Russia and, if possible, swapping them with Ukrainian goods.

Write to your government representatives.

Encourage your government to send aid and condemn Russia.

Contact your state and federal government representatives and urge them to support additional sanctions against Russia and to step up the aid they’re providing to the Ukrainian people and military.

A handwritten letter catches more attention, but in this urgent case, an email is appropriate too
