Expo 2020 Dubai: Theme Weeks

addressing global challenges

Climate & Biodiversity

How do we work together to better manage climate change and protect biodiversity?
3-9 October 2021


How do we safely and productively explore new frontiers?
17 - 23 Oct 2021

Urban & Rural Development

How do we live and grow in harmony with our planet?
31 Oct - 6 Nov 2021

Tolerance & Inclusivity

How can we foster a greater common understanding to enable more tolerant and inclusive societies?
14 - 20 Nov 2021

Knowledge & Learning

How do we harness and challenge our knowledge today to prepare for the future?
12 - 18 Dec 2021

Travel & Connectivity

How will we balance the impact of the expansion of our digital world with our physical reality?
9 - 15 Jan 2022

Global Goals

What do we need to do together today for a better world in 2030?
16 - 22 Jan 2022

Health & Wellness

How can we create a healthy, happy world?
27 Jan - 2 Feb 2022

Food, Agriculture & Livelihoods

How do we sustainably grow food to meet future demand?
17 - 23 Feb 2022


How will we protect our most precious resource today, for tomorrow?
20 - 26 Mar 2022

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Protect our planet
Taking decisive collective action to protect vulnerable communities and ecosystems

Foster a sustainable future
Transforming human activity to operate within Earth’s planetary boundaries

Accelerate climate action
Taking our place in history as the generation that stepped up to halt climate change

How do we safely and productively explore new frontiers?

More information will be available soon

How do we live and grow in harmony with our planet?

More information will be available soon

How can we foster a greater common understanding to enable more tolerant and inclusive societies?

More information will be available soon

How do we harness and challenge our knowledge today to prepare for the future?

More information will be available soon

How will we balance the impact of the expansion of our digital world with our physical reality?

More information will be soon available

What do we need to do together today for a better world in 2030?

More information will be available soon

How can we create a healthy, happy world?

More information will be available soon

How do we sustainably grow food to meet future demand?

More information will be available soon

How will we protect our most precious resource today, for tomorrow?

More information will be available soon/b>