Does your puppy know these 10 commands?

Every puppy after the age of 2 months should be trained. Here are 10 commands that your puppy must be aware of.

Why is puppy training important?

Training not only benefits your pup, it benefits you too.

When you train your puppy, it not only tells your puppy what's expected of him under certain circumstances, it also forges and cements a deep bond between you and your pup.


You must teach your pup these 10 commands.

1. Name

The first command to teach your puppy is his/her name.

Name is the first thing your dog must learn. It will also help you teach other commands to your pup.

2. Drop it

Can help if your puppy has something dangerous in his mouth.

Suppose your puppy stole your socks or an important file. The command 'drop it' will tell your puppy to not engage in this behavior and drop the item.

3. NO

No is needed to tell your dog which behavior to not to engage in.

No means No. It does not mean NO NO NO NO NO.... Unfortunately during training, many dog guardians repeat the no so many times that the puppy thinks that command is NO NO NO NO NO instead of NO. NO should be used once in an assertive manner.

4. Stay

Stay can help your dog navigate difficult situations

The command STAY can be very useful in difficult situations. It teaches your dog restraint, whether it is from jumping on others, waiting for food or just sitting at one place. This command is a very valuable one.

5. Lay down

As crucial as the stay command

When dogs are asked to sit, stay or lay down, it calms them. Thus, teaching important commands should not be taken lightly. The sooner the pup learns them, the better.

6. Let's go

Tells your puppy its time to go

Let's go helps your puppy know when its time to go out or go for walks. Having a specific command for walks will help your puppy know that now is the time to wear the harness and head out the door.

7. Off

Off is for when your want the puppy to get off someplace.

Puppies have a tendency to get into everything on their sight. The 'off command can help your puppy know which places are for him to access and which are not.

8. Touch

Another command that teaches restraint.

These commands may seem irrelevant but these build restraints in your puppy from a very young age. This will help your puppy be patient and learn other important commands faster.

9. Quiet

Your puppy needs to know when to be silent

Sometimes your puppy may be howling or barking for a long time. During such times, having a quiet command can be very handy and useful.

10. Look

Keeps the puppy from getting distracted

When your puppy seems distracted, the command LOOK can easily refocus his attention towards you and what you are trying to teach him.

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