Breeds like Chihuahua, German Shepherds, Rottweilers etc. also fall under a larger breed group category.
Understand the categories of dog breeds.
There are 7 primary categories of dog breeds. Keep swiping to know all about them.
There are 7 categories of dog breeds you need to know
The 7 primary dog breed categories are:
Originally bred to be the sidekick for hunters.
Some of the dog breeds belonging to this group are:
Includes dogs that have been bred to hunt warm blooded quarry like raccoons, antelope and rabbits.
Some of the popular hound dog breeds are:
Small in size, easily transportable in bags and are most often seen sitting on the laps of their favorite humans
The most common toy dog breeds are
Dog breeds that may not satisfy the criteria of any specific dog breed groups.
Some examples of the dogs belonging to the non sporting group are:
Used for herding, rescue operations, guarding flocks, pulling sleds etc.
Some examples of dogs breeds belonging to the working dog breeds group:
Responsible for herding
Some common examples of dogs belonging to the herding dog breed group are:
Their tasks can range from killing vermin all the way to guarding family homes and barns.
Examples of terrier breeds:
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Hi I am Dr Shruti. I love writing on everything related to dog care. Welcome to your one-stop destination of dog care. Articles focus on dog care, grooming, psychology, training, diseases and everything else dog-related.