Are you being love bombed?

Love bombing is a manipulative behavior that is very hard to identify in the initial stages.

1. Excessive compliments

They will always shower you with compliments

Love bombers frequently shower their target with an overwhelming amount of compliments, often far beyond what is typical or reasonable for the stage of the relationship.

2. Rapid progression

The relationship escalates quickly

Love bombers tend to push for the relationship to progress quickly, such as moving in together or discussing marriage early on, in an effort to create a strong emotional bond.

3. Constant attention

They make you feel as if only you matter

They make you the center of their world, constantly texting, calling, or spending time with you to ensure they have your undivided attention.

4. Gifts and grand gestures

They make you feel like the center of the universe

Love bombers frequently give expensive or thoughtful gifts, plan elaborate surprises, or create extravagant romantic experiences to make you feel special.

5. Idealization

The idealize the person they show affection to

They idealize you, often putting you on a pedestal and making you believe you're the most perfect person they've ever met.

6. Guilt and manipulation

Make you feel as if you are wrong

They might use guilt trips or emotional manipulation to get what they want, making you feel like you owe them something in return for their affection.

7. Inconsistent behavior

One moment hot other moment cold

Love bombers may alternate between extreme affection and cold detachment, causing confusion and insecurity in the relationship.

8. Pushing boundaries

They do not recognise boundaries

They may disregard your boundaries and push for intimacy or commitment even when you're not ready or comfortable with it.

9. Control and possessiveness

Excessive control

Love bombers often exhibit controlling behavior, such as monitoring your activities, demanding constant updates on your whereabouts, or trying to dictate your choices.

10. Isolation

They will isolate you from your friends and family

Love bombers may attempt to isolate you from friends and family, making you increasingly dependent on them for emotional support and validation.

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