All the keywords to activate them
A blue arm extends down from above, offering a playful bouquet of flowers.
● wonderful time
● lovely time
Colorful shapes swirl together to form a star, before flying off the screen.
● you’re the best
● you’re the bestest
Two hands swirl up from the bottom of the screen, disappearing in a colorful high-five.
● bff
● bffs
Two hands unfold, letting colorful shapes fly up the screen.
● best wishes
The thumbs up emoji bounces along the bottom of your screen, leaving a colorful tail.
● you got this
● you’ve got this
● you can do it
A flurry of “thumbs up” emojis rocket across your screen
● rad
● radness
Colourful confetti and balloons pop up onto your screen
● Congrats
● Congratulations
Small hearts float up from your screen
● xo
● xoxo
● xoxoxo
● bisou