5 Fundamental Differences Between Entrepreneurs and Everyone

Ways to know if you're an entrepreneur or not.

You're willing to work hard without getting paid.

Too many people read tech news and assume that starting a company means raising monster rounds of financing and ultimately buying yourself your dream Lamborghini.

Photo: energepic.com

When you fail, you celebrate.

The journey to building a successful company is full of failures, whether it is on the execution side, raising capital, going to market, or many other parts of the process.

Photo: RODNAE Productions

The more competition you have, the happier you are.

If another company is trying to solve the same problem as you, that means that the problem is a real one and there is demand for a solution.

Photo: Jim De Ramos

The word 'Impossible' gets you excited.

Do you think that when the founder of Uber pitched investors that they thought it was possible to change laws and build a successful company?

Photo: Alex Haurras

When you hear of a problem, instead of complaining, you aim to solve it.

When you hear of a problem, instead of complaining, you aim to solve it.

Photo: RF._.studio