10 time management tips

These time management tips will take your work efficiency to the next level.

1. Use to-do lists

The most important tip ever

The to-do list must be prepared the night before. This is done so that when its time to work, you know exactly what you have to work on and m can start your work.

2. Prioritise your tasks

Target your tasks priority wise.

Always label your tasks as per the priority. First focus on the tasks of high priority. Then, follow it up with the tasks of medium and low priority.

3. Use calendars

Calendars can help you stay on track.

Use a calendar to track your personal deadlines. If a project is due in 5 days, your deadline should be in 3 days. Put up your deadlines in the calendar. This will help you finish work before time.

4. No multi-tasking

Focus on one task at a time.

Multitasking can be a curse. When you try to focus on many tasks at once, it can cause your focus to get distributed. Thus, in turn you don't land up giving your full focus to any of the tasks your are engaging him.

5. Use 80/20 rule

Work on tasks that give you maximum yield.

As per the 80/20 rule, you should focus on 20% of tasks that will give you 80% of the results. Thus divide your work accordingly.

6. Say No

Not every task needs to be finished on the same day

Focus on high priority tasks. Tasks of low priority can be moved to other days. However high priority tasks must not be ignored.

7 Use technology

Technology can help you stay on track.

Use notion, Google Calendar, focus timers etc. to help you stay on track.

8. Use your commute time

Plan so your commute time can be used

Record your notes so you can listen to them while you are travelling. You can also use this time to catch up on video lectures you may have missed.

9. Identify your productive time

Identify when you are most productive

Once you haveC identified the most Productive time, schedule the difficult tasks during that period.

10. Group similar tasks

Can help save a lot of time

When you group similar tasks together, it boosts efficiency and reduces the time involved. This is because you don't have to switch focus. Thus, your brain does not need the buffer time

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