10 signs your dog has allergies

Dogs suffer from allergies too. To stay on top of your dog's health, read this webstory all the way to the end.

1. Itchy skin

The most common sign of allergy in dogs

Itchy skin is one of the most common sign of allergy in the case of sogs. In case you notice your dog constantly licking, scratching, or chewing a specific section of the skin, it is most likely because he is suffering from an allergic condition which is showing signs on the skin of the pup.

2. Irritated or red skin

Another sign of allergy

Allergies can also lead to the skin becoming swollen, red, and irritated. you may also notice presence of rash or red patches on the skin.

3. Ear infections

Allergies can also cause ear infection in dogs

If you notice your dog shaking his head, pawing at his face, scratching his ears, presence of foul smell or a dark discharge from the ear, it is a sign of ear infection due to allergy.

4. Watery eyes

Allergies cause watering of the eyes

Allergies can cause your dog's eyes to start watering, if you notice constant tear marks on the fur around the eyes, it is another sign that your dog is suffering from allergy.

5. Sniffling and sneezing

Sneezing is a common sign of allergy in both humans and dogs.

Sniffling and sneezing are symptoms exhibited by both dogs and humans in case of allergy.

6. Coughing

Allergy can cause coughing in dogs.

Allergies can affect the respiratory tract of the dog. This leads to coughing and other signs of respiratory issues like reverse sneezing etc.

7. Diarrhea and vomiting

Allergies can cause upset stomach in dogs

In some cases, dogs may also experience an upset stomach due to allergies. The signs of such a condition would be explosive diarrhea, vomiting and others.

8. Lethargy

Allergy causes high level of fatigue in dogs

Allergies can cause fever, sneezing, diarrhea and cause your dog to generally feel unwell. your dog may experience high levels of sleepiness or lack of energy.

9. Licking or chewing paws

Paws are a common place where signs of allergy are noticed.

Allergies can cause dogs to lick or chew their paws excessively. This can instead lead to irritation and redness in the section.

10. Loss of fur

Hotspots, fur loss are another common symptom

Allergies can lead to loss of fur in a patchy manner or in a uniform manner. it can also cause thinning of the fur coat of your dog.

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