A healthy mind is important to ensure a bright future
In today’s world, every minute of life has become stressful.
Whether you are a student, teacher, an office worker, a doctor et cetera, there is no profession which has been spared the constant stress of workload. This constant stress has caused increased problems in personal as well as professional lives. People are losing sleep, eating unhealthy, cutting down on exercises etc.
It is difficult but not impossible
Combating stress on an everyday level is a hard task but it is not impossible to achieve. Click on the above link to access the story on how to deal with your everyday stress.
Despite stress, a healthy mind is achievable
The tips are simple, efficient and easy to follow. These steps will help you keep your mind healthy while combating the stress of everyday life.
Exercise has both mental and physical benefits.
Exercise releases endorphins which are referred to as mood improves. You do not have to join a gym for this purpose, you can just walk or cycle to your destination, clean your house or do some gardening to get the blood flowing.
Good food has a direct relation to a healthy mind
A healthy body contributes to a healthy mind. Therefore watch your diet and check what you are eating. Even if you are busy, make some time to cook a healthy meal rather than ordering fast food.
Your body is made of 75% liquid.
The effect of caffeine or alcohol is temporary. You may feel high and good for a while but eventually the effect will wear off and you will feel worse. Therefore, focus more on drinking water and less on alcohol and caffeine.
It is very easy to stay in touch
Talking to others and feeling connected makes us human. It keeps our mind sane and balanced. When there is no communication that is when the problems start.
Do what you enjoy
If you love to play a musical instrument or paint or sing, give yourself some time in your everyday schedule to indulge in them. These will make you feel better and reduce your stress
A change of scenery always helps
Make sure others know that they are important to you. A simple 'thank you' and 'get well card' can work wonders. When you have compassion for others, others will have compassion for you . Human beings are social animals. We are not meant to be alone.
That is what makes you beautiful
Accept that you are different from everyone else on the planet and be proud of that. Understand your weaknesses and strengths. Take out five minutes every day and think about all the characters that make you unique and accept who you are.
Play games, puzzles, sudoku etc.
Just like your body, your mind also requires exercise. You can either play games on your computer, do a crossword or sudoku. You can also calculate your bills mechanically instead of using a calculator. People who did more work pertaining to the mind stayed healthy for a longer period.
Help is available for those who need them
If you are feeling depressed, anxious or stressed, talk to others. If you feel that you need the help of a counsellor or mental health professional, reach out and get it. There are many places you can go where you will receive a lot of support. Do not ignore the needs of your body and mind.
Check out other mental health stories
Guilt Free Mind is a blog that focuses on helping you explore your inner self, get rid of anxiety, and work on reducing the stress of daily life.
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Guilt Free Mind is a safe place where I help you explore your inner self and get rid of negative thoughts and emotions.