How to find the best dog daycare?

Good dog daycares can come in very handy during times of need.

What is a dog daycare?

Dog daycare is a place that provides short-term care for your dog

Dog daycare can be compared with a regular daycare meant for human kids. The only difference is that the dog daycare is intended for canines, not humans.

How to find the right dog daycare?

You must make it a point to check the facility to know if it is suitable for your pup.

Here are 10 things you must check when you tour the dog daycare facility to ensure that it is perfect for your dog.

1. Check the grouping system

Dogs are often divided based on their temperament, sizes, and play habits in doggy daycare.

The dogs are divided depending on their characters. This helps prevent accidents later. If a small dog is kept in a group containing large dogs, the small dog may get hurt. Thus, division is crucial.

2. Find out the dog-to-staff ratio.

Some places have specific staff to dog ratio in dog daycares as part of their mandate.

As the guardian, you must inquire about the state regulation. Most places recommend a ratio of 15:1, where one human is responsible for taking care of 15 dogs.

3. Number of dogs in a group

This will depend on the dog daycare size

The dogs who are a part of a single group should have similar temperaments. Ensure that the ratio of the staff members to the dogs in the group is acceptable.

4. Are the dogs separated as per size?

You don't want large and small dogs mixed in one group.

Certain daycares only take in dogs of large sizes, while others take in small breed dogs. Therefore, go for a daycare that separates dogs as per your preferences

5. Guided activities?

Inquire about the activities they conduct with the dogs during the day.

If the dog daycare also conducts training and behavior modification, your dog may learn something new while staying in the daycare.

6. Inquire about toy policy

Some dogs get very aggressive if they feel that the toy is theirs to defend

If your dog has such a temperament, you should bring it to the notice of the managers at the dog daycare so that they can keep a close eye on your dog and prevent fights over toys.

7. Boarding?

Check if boarding services are available.

You may have to go out of town due to an emergency and cannot take your dog along. It is a good idea to go for a dog daycare that also provides boarding services so that your dog is already familiar with the space and people.

8. Immunization requirements

What are the immunization requirements?

If one of the dogs is suffering from an infectious disease, it can spread like wildfire if the other dogs are not already immunized

9. Spaying and neutering requirements

Most daycares have a specific age limit for neutering and spaying dogs

Dogs who have undergone spaying and neutering may react differently than dogs who have not. A good doggy daycare would prefer to limit such flashpoints to the bare minimum levels.

10. Trial option?

Most dog daycare centers have an option of a trial before adding the dog in as a part of the pack.

A trial would show if the dog daycare is the best fit for your pup.

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